Orange County Arts Council awards Angela Prictoe its 'Student Youth with Exceptional Promise Honor'

CENTRAL VALLEY — The Orange County NY Arts Council will recognize trombonist Angela Prictoe as a Youth with Exceptional Promise at the 2017 Orange County Arts Awards on Friday, Nov. 17, from 5:30 to 9 p.m. at the Motorcyclepedia Museum at 250 Lake St. in Newburgh.
The Youth with Exceptional Promise awards category honors youth artists who display exemplary leadership and whose work demonstrates exceptional achievement.
This year’s student recipient, Angela Prictoe, is a Monroe-Woodbury High School honors senior in Central Valley.
Her extensive musical instruction includes studies with the Metropolitan Opera Pit Orchestra and the Greater-Newburgh Symphony Orchestra.
She began studying the trombone at Central Valley Elementary School and has sat at the principal desk in every school ensemble she has participated in including the Central Valley Elementary Band, the Middle School Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble and currently the High School Wind Ensemble.
Outside of School, Angela attends the Julliard Pre-College program each Saturday, where she studies at the school and privately studies with her teachers weekly.
Angela has performed with the Orange County Community College Orchestra, the New York Wind Symphony and is principal trombonist with the Hudson Valley Honors Youth Wind Ensemble.
She has also had successful auditions into national, state and regional festival ensembles including principal trombone in Zone 9 Area All State Orchestra; principal trombone in the Orange County Music Educators’ Association High School Orchestra; first trombone in the NAFME All-National Symphony Orchestra; and one of the first trombones in the New York state School Music Association Conference All State Symphonic Band.
Angela has received A+ ratings at NYSSMA solo and ensemble festivals including three perfect scores at the highest repertoire level.
She has also spent the last several summers studying at the Eastern United States Music Camp at Colgate University and the NYSSSA School of Orchestral Studies.
“The thing about music that makes me love it," Angela said, "is the way that you can make anybody feel anything.”
The Orange County Arts Council’s mission is to champion the arts, connect artists with audiences, and foster the growth of the county's creative resources.
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Orange County NY Arts Council is located at 26 White Oak Drive in Chester.