Monroe. Cristina Kiesel announces her candidacy for Town Clerk

Cristina Kiesel has announced her candidacy for the position of Monroe Town Clerk.
Kiesel, a 25-year Monroe resident, has been an active community volunteer and environmental activist. She is currently the chairperson of the Monroe Downtown Revitalization Committee and also served as a Girl Scout leader for 12 years.
She also has 30 years of administrative experience working for Fortune 500 companies and is looking forward to the opportunity to serve the community if elected.
Former Town Clerk Mary Ellen Beams announced her retirement in August. Deputy Town Clerk Valerie Bitzer was appointed to the position by the Monroe Town Board last month.
Meanwhile, Town of Monroe candidates Kiesel, Mary Bingham and Rick Colon will hold a campaign fund raiser on Wednesday, Sept. 22, at Somni Tapas Restaurant on Route 208 in Monroe from 6 to 8 p.m. Tickets are $45.
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