Due to the CoVID-19 pandemic the Village of Monroe has canceled the Annual Memorial Day Parade that would have taken place on Sunday, May 24.
The Board of Trustees will honor those military men and women who were killed in action with a wreath laying at the memorial at the former ambulance corps building and the Monroe Cemetery.
The Village Trustees issued the following statement:
"We ask each member of the Monroe community to take a moment to honor those brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.
"The National Moment of Remembrance Act calls for all Americans to observe a moment of silence for the duration of one minute beginning at 3 p.m. on Memorial Day. The purpose of this act passed by the 106th Congress in 2000 is to pay tribute to members of the United States military who died in service to their country as well as reflect on ways that Americans can serve their own communities.
"During these trying times our community must come together to support each other. The Board of Trustees of the Village of Monroe respectfully asks that each member or our community take a moment at 3 p.m. on Monday, May 25, to quietly reflect on the meaning of Memorial Day and ways that each of us can contribute to the strength and success of our community."