Army National Guard Warrant Officer 1 Adam D. Garrsion of Highland Mills has graduated from the Warrant Officer Candidate School at Fort Rucker, Ala.
The course is designed to certify warrant officers as technically and tactically competent to serve as warrant officers in designated career specialties. The officer must successfully complete the course prior to being appointed to the rank of warrant officer one. The primary focus of the school is military occupational specialty specific, augmented with common-core subjects as designated by a Task Site Selection Board and monitored by the Warrant Officer Career Center.
The course also prepares newly appointed officers for their first duty assignments and all subsequent assignments as warrant officers and chief warrant officers in the active Army, National Guard or Reserve.
He is the son of Susan Charlton of Highland Mills. His wife, Caitlin, is the daughter of James and Lorraine Heuberger of Chester.
Garrison is a 2005 graduate of Monroe-Woodbury High School and received a bachelor’s degree in 2009 from SUNY Oneonta.
Air Force Airmen Nicholas A. Martinez and Zachary M. Abraham have graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland in San Antonio, Texas.
The airmen completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills.
Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force.
Martinez is the son of Christine Martinez of Monroe and a 2012 graduate of Monroe-Woodbury High School.
Abraham is the son of Amy Phillips of Woodridge. He is a 2008 graduate of Monroe Woodbury High School.
Army Pvt. Timothy P. Finnegan has graduated from the Infantryman One Station Unit Training at Fort Benning, Columbus, Ga.
During the nine weeks of basic combat training, the soldier received training in drill and ceremonies, weapons employment, map reading, tactics, military courtesy, military justice, physical fitness, first aid skills, and Army history, core values and traditions. Additional training included development of basic combat skills and battlefield operations and tactics and experienced use of various weapons and weapons defenses available to the infantry crewman.
The Advanced Individual Training course is designed to train infantry soldiers to perform reconnaissance operations; employ, fire and recover anti-personnel and anti-tank mines; locate and neutralize land mines and operate target and sight equipment; operate and maintain communications equipment and radio networks; construct field firing aids for infantry weapons; and perform infantry combat exercises and dismounted battle drills, which includes survival procedures in a nuclear, biological or chemical contaminated area.
Finnegan is the son of John and Debbie Finnegan of Chester.
He is a 2012 graduate of Monroe-Woodbury High School.
Master Sergeant Adam Tucciariello from Monroe has reenlisted with the New York Army National Guard to continue service with the Company B, Recruiting and Retention, Major General Patrick A. Murphy, the Adjutant General, announced.
“The New York Army National Guard has sustained our force at or above 100 percent strength for the better part of five years now,” Murphy said. “Keeping those ready forces in our ranks mean that New York is ready to provide forces for state missions here at home, as we saw during Hurricane Sandy or for the federal missions supporting our nation around the country and around the world.
“Each of our 16,000 men and women serving in the Army and Air National Guard as an important role and I’m pleased that so many continue to reenlist and remain part of our New York National Guard family.”