M-W High School Drama Club presents Mel Brooks' 'Young Frankenstein'
By Director Stacy Hintze
CENTRAL VALLEY — On Friday and Saturday, March 16-17, the Monroe-Woodbury High Drama Club will present "Young Frankenstein."
This show is written by Mel Brooks and keeps the integrity of the original black and white movie classic from the 70’s.
I had to pick something that was completely different from the very dramatic show last year, “Big Fish,” and decided this really edgy comedy afforded us the ability to truly “flex the muscles” of our theatrical program.
While there are other high schools who have performed this show, we feel like our training in acting techniques helped create a true sense of who these uniquely fun characters are. -The humor has the double edged sword throughout that is the earmark of Mel Brooks.
We have been working diligently since December 4th and never looked back.
There were a few tough rehearsals, but so many memorable laughs along the way.
These kids bring such wonderful honesty to these odd characters, working on comedic technique, and never losing sight of developing their roles.
I am very proud of the cast and equally proud of the entire crew. I had the distinct pleasure of being the director as well as technical director of this show.
While it was absolutely difficult, it created such unity and bonding with cast and crew.
We were all working as one, with a common goal.
To say that I am proud of their work is an understatement.
After 30 years on our stage, this moment was certainly a memorable one.
The play will have performances on Friday, March 16, at 7 p.m. and on Saturday, March 17, at 1 and 7 p.m.