Kathryn Luciani

WOODBURY. Challenger Kathryn Luciani is running for supervisor in the Town of Woodbury on the Republican and Conservative lines. She current serves on the town board.

| 06 Oct 2023 | 02:44

Why are you running for supervisor?

As the highest elected town office, a supervisor should be truthful, transparent, and respectful to their board, employees, and all residents. They should forward all information to their board in a timely way. As chief fiscal officer, they should be mindful of spending in a tough economy. All expenditures, budgets and contracts should be approved by a majority of the board. Woodbury’s current supervisor does none of this. For this reason, I am running for supervisor.

What are the top three issues facing the town today and how do you plan to address them?

Lack of transparency, fiscal irresponsibility, and divisiveness are the top three issues facing the town today.

As supervisor I aim to turn these issues around. To earn the trust and respect of the board, I will immediately share all information pertinent to the town as it is received, and all decisions will be made by a majority vote as required. Monthly, we will publicly discuss year-to-date spending by each department in addition to budget modifications and abstracts. Weeding out the “wants” from the “needs” in a municipal budget is as necessary as it is in current household budgets, and we should look to be saving instead of spending.

What sets you apart from your challengers?

My ability to listen and to be empathetic is what sets me apart from my opponent. Understanding people and situations not only makes for a stronger leader in the face of adversity, it also allows you to learn and grow as you move your community forward.

Feel free to add information about your background and qualifications.

I will use my experience as a single mother of five, a homeowner, and a full-time employee living on a tight budget to encourage wise spending. To end the divisive atmosphere that has plagued the town, I will take lessons I learned as founder of We Are Woodbury to work through our differences and to unite our community. Thanks for your consideration.