John S. Hicks (1943-2013)

| 13 Nov 2013 | 03:20

— During the Veterans Day ceremonies held on Monday, November 11, Town of Warwick Supervisor Michael Sweeton mentioned that he had just lost a good friend who was a veteran and exemplified the positive virtues of all those who have honorably served this country.

Many of those present were not aware that he was referring to prominent Warwick attorney and former Orange County Republican Chairman John S. Hicks, 70, who had passed away on Sunday, the day before the Veterans Day ceremonies, after loosing a two-year battle with bladder cancer.

Hicks, who was a member of the VFW and the American Legion, was well known and admired for his service to this community after his tour in the Army during the Vietnam era.

Although he was born in Fayetteville, N.C., Hicks had lived in Warwick since he was five years old.

After graduating from Warwick Valley High School in 1961, he then completed his undergraduate studies at Colgate University in 1965, completed his military service and then received his law degree from Albany Law School in 1975.

In addition to his law practice, Hicks served on the Warwick Town Board as well as many community boards, including Orange County United Way, Arden Hill Hospital and Leadership Orange. He was a founding board member of the Warwick Valley Community Center, which was originally known as Bandwagon.

Hicks also served as Warwick Town Attorney from 2002 to 2013.

He served as first vice-chairman on the Orange County Republican Committee from 1991 to 1995 and was then elected as chairman and served from 1995 to 2003.

Hicks is survived by his wife, Judith, and six children.

The obituary for John S. Hicks appears on page xx.

By Roger Gavan