It takes a village
MONROE — Residents of the Village of Monroe go to the polls on Tuesday, March 18, to elect a mayor and two members of the village board.
There is no shortage of issues, from the state-ordered repairs to the Smith's Mill Dam and the effort to revitalized downtown, as well as the effects throughout the area should more than 500 acres in the Town of Monroe are annexed into the Village of Kiryas Joel.
The Photo News asked the two candidates for mayor and the five people seeking two seats on the Village Board to explain why they were seeking office and to outline the issues facing the village in the coming year.
The candidates are listed in alphabetical order.
The candidates for mayor are: Village of Monroe Trustee Irene Conklin and incumbent James Purcell.
The candidates for the two seat on the Village Board are:
Pauline Browne, incumbent Wayne Chan, Neil Dwyer, Joe Umberto and incumbent Teddy Wright.
For mayor
Irene Conklin
Personal information
45 years old
Lifelong resident of Monroe
Married with 3 children
Graduated from Monroe-Woodbury High School
School bus driver for the M-W School District
President of CSEA Union
Owner/Operator Clear Image Photography - Professional Photographer
Village of Monroe Trustee for the past two years
Volunteer at Operation Clean Sweep for the past four years
Organized volunteers to deliver donated goods to victims of Hurricane Sandy
Volunteer at Food Pantry during holidays
Past Brownie Troop leader
Volunteered as Team Mom for M-W Little League
Volunteered for United Monroe Election Day campaign
Why are you seeking office?
Monroe has a deep-rooted history that I will protect. We are facing some very serious issues besides the KJ Annexation and the Millpond Dam.
We also need to be proactive with revitalizing the local economy, manage responsible growth, address traffic issues, bring businesses back into the empty stores and encourage entertainment in our community which will invite people.
As mayor, I will work hard with my board to make Monroe thrive again.
What are the issues facing the Village of Monroe?
Monroe needs to get cleaned up. I plan on rolling up my sleeves and chip in to restore the beauty.
Cleaning up the litter and other blights in the area by utilizing the building department and police department to do more enforcement of quality of life issues and village ordinance violations.
Utilizing our highway department to do more to enhance the beauty of our village.
We have to concentrate on the entire village, not just the downtown areas.
The village board needs to be operated better. We need open and transparent government and involve all board members in decisions and responsibilities. All board members have an obligation to represent the tax payers and all need to be involved. Showing up to a meeting is not enough. I will work with my entire board to ensure fairness, honesty and transparency.
Two other very important issues that our village is facing are the KJ annexation and Millpond Dam.
I will continue to stay involved with the annexation committee to safeguard our village.
There is more to the Millpond Dam then what people have been told.
I will make sure that before any decisions are made in regards to the dam that we explore every option and available funding.
We need to maintain the integrity of the historic values of Monroe before we jump into rash decisions.
James C. Purcell
Personal information
Village of Monroe resident 23 years
Married 23 years to my lovely wife Debbie and children, Jim “D” and Kira
General foreman for traffic systems for the city of New York 12 years
LU #3 IBEW electrician for 30 years
Associate’s Degree Liberal Arts, Empire State College
Coach PTA boys and girls basketball
Coach MWLL boys baseball and girls softball
Coach of MWC 16U girls softball
Parishioner of Sacred Heart Church
Why are you running for office?
I am running for mayor because I have always believed it is the duty of every citizen in the community to participate in local government to the best of their ability.
I have been blessed to be in a position where I have been elected on more than one occasion by the citizens of this community to represent them.
This is one of the greatest honors of my life and I cherish the opportunity above almost everything else.
What are the issues facing the Village of Monroe?
With the potentially devastating impact of the annexation as an established leader with the experience, knowledge and contacts I feel I am in the best position to lead the Village of Monroe.
I have been fortunate enough to have gained the necessary experience and insight into the workings of local government and community to offer the best strategy going forward into this once-in-a-lifetime challenge to our way of life.
Make no mistake, this is a battle that will define our community going forward and there is no scope for error. Failure to provide the necessary defense of our values and economic well-being will be catastrophic to our quality of life.
The other issue at hand that is so important to the village is the movie theater.
During the development of the Comprehensive Plan with the local community we recognized the most important piece of the revitalization is the movie theater and the protection of the downtown environment.
As we all know the Town of Monroe has purchased the building and the Village of Monroe is and will continue to fight to get the movie theater back to its intended purpose.
For Village Board (elect two)
Paulette Browne
Personal information:
Monroe resident for the past 28 years. I have two lovely, successful daughters. One moved back to the village to raise her family for the same reasons we moved here. I am a registered nurse with a Masters degree. My previous employers relied on my expertise in many nuances of health care including state and federal regulatory codes and building structures.
My volunteer activities include 37 years with Girl Scouts, six years as a member of the M-W Board of Education, original Music Booster member, Monroe Free Library Trustee, American Cancer Society, and Senior Liaison for the South Orange Family YMCA.
I have been investigating and am working with the NYS Attorney General's office and other agencies to address the multitude of aberrant actions by the Town Board and current supervisor and met with the Board of Elections regarding the irregularities during the recent election.
Why are you seeking office?
I am a firm believer in fiscal and ethical responsibility. Village trustees need to be held to a high standard to ensure all actions are clear and understandable to the residents.
All village business, including all service contracts, should be reviewed with an eye towards fiscal conservation. Every dollar spent must have a valid and rational reason.
As a part of fiscal responsibility, we need incentives to encourage business owners to relocate to our village to help our downtown grow and develop.
What are the issues facing the Village of Monroe?
In the coming year, we must work to protect our natural resources. I am emphatically against KJ's petition to annex 507 acres of town land.
KJ's plan will have deleterious effects on our environment, including water supply, traffic congestion and air pollution.
Natural flora and fauna will be destroyed and our sewer systems will be overburdened which will affect our village, town, neighboring municipalities, the county and NY State.
I will partner with all board members and external agencies to explore all avenues to stop KJ's plan and protect our village.
Secondly, I will work to preserve our village lakes, the deteriorating Mill Pond Dam and our downtown area's natural beauty. The waterfall is a part of the village's history.
I will request a committee comprised of business owners, residents and interested parties to assess responsible avenues to ensure we keep our historic symbol intact.
It's proximity to the movie theater (which needs to be run by real professionals) and Airplane Park should be aligned into a harmonious concept of a valued and beautiful downtown for all village residents to enjoy and appreciate.
Wayne Chan
Personal information
I am a resident of the Village of Monroe for 25 years, married with three children
I am a computer consultant for a global automotive manufacture and hold a bachelor of science in computers from St. John’s University.
I am a current Monroe Village Trustee.
Volunteer positions:
NYS EMT, CPR instructor and an Executive Board member for the Monroe Volunteer Ambulance
National Ski Patrol; Patrol, render medical care, Instructor for Outdoor Emergency Care
Monroe-Woodbury School Board
Why are you seeking office?
I am running for trustee again because I love the Village of Monroe, its residents and want to see it reach its full potential as a jewel in Orange County. Sadly, due to the economic climate it is taking longer to reach its potential.
We developed and have a comprehensive blueprint to follow. My hope is to continue to receive grants to achieve the goals of the comprehensive blueprint.
I will preserve and fight to keep the Village of Monroe a viable place to raise a family. I will push forward with the plans we have developed. Making decisions with community input, not making them in a vacuum.
I view my job as one where, more input from residents assists in making sound decisions.
We are here to serve the public not dictate to them.
What are the issues facing the Village of Monroe?
One issue the village will have to contend with is the Millpond. The dam needs repair and the ponds need to be dredged. We have obtained our options from the engineering firms. We will be scheduling public hearings with the community, to get input from our residents. We will try to find grants where possible to keep the cost down. The Millponds are the center piece of our village.
What we do there will define the character of our Village.
A bigger and more import issue is to keep taxes down, with rising health cost and less revenue it will be a challenge. It will take out of the box creative thinking to accomplish this. We need to attract business, restaurants and specialty shops. If business in the village thrives so will our village.
We need to continue to support our Chamber of Commerce and bring newer events to the village to show the residents of Orange and Rockland counties this is the place to be.
In conclusion, I will fight to protect our village and keep moving forward to make the village a jewel.
Neil S. Dwyer
Personal information:
Owner, Dwyer & Leavenworth, Inc., residential and commercial construction company, Monroe, New York, since 1983
Member of the Village of Monroe Architectural Appearance Review Board
Member of the Executive Board of United Monroe
Board Member of John S. Burke Catholic Development Committee
Past Treasurer of John S. Burke Catholic Parent Club
Past Finance Chairman of Sacred Heart School in Monroe
Past Cub Scout Assistant Pack Leader #340
Past Boy Scout Assistant Troop Leader #540
Married to Georgette, life-long resident and local business owner of Sister Act Nail & Hair Salon
One son, Neil Jr., a junior at the University of Miami studying broadcast journalism
Why are you seeking office?
My desire to run for Trustee of the Village of Monroe is precipitated by the concern of growth within and outside of our Village borders. I am concerned with the sustainability of our business community within our downtown and border areas. I will work with my board for sustainable and positive resolutions that will create a thriving and welcoming community for all.
What are the issues facing the Village of Monroe:
I believe it is critical that a board member have a good ear and eye to hear and see what a neighbor and member of this community is asking of his/her elected officials. I believe very strongly that a person’s civic duty, whether as a candidate or voter, is paramount to achieving the goals of fiscal responsibility, governmental transparency and protection of the natural resources as good stewards of our Village.
Impact of annexation of properties from the Town of Monroe into Kiryas Joel
First and foremost, I am against the current annexation application by the Village of Kiryas Joel as it will negatively impact the Village of Monroe residents today and in the future and I will work with the Village Board and utilize all legal avenues available to protect its residents.
Protection of Our Ponds and Dam
I pledge to address all concerns regarding the natural resources of our Village including our water and natural landscape so that its beauty, enjoyed by so many for so many years, be preserved for many generations to come.
Fiscal responsibility of our village government
I pledge to be fiscally conservative with every tax dollar received into the Village of Monroe by critically assessing every line item within the budget looking for sustainable cost reductions/savings while additionally seeking grant opportunities.
I will bring my energy, respect and work ethnic to the position of Trustee for the Village of Monroe and respectfully ask for your vote on Election Day, March 18, 2014.
Joe Umberto
Personal information:
I have been a resident of the Monroe area for more than fifty years. My wife, Linda , and I have raised our two children David and Lesley in Monroe and have enjoyed living in the village with its many benefits and beauty.
I am a graduate of Monroe-Woodbury and a graduate engineer from Stevens Institute of Technology .
I am proud to state that I was on the Monroe Smith Clove Joint Park Commission for 10 years in the 1980s, growing the popular children’s program called YAC and engineered its development of football/baseball fields, racquetball/handball/tennis complex and bandstand.
I was a two-term village trustee in the late 1980s and 1990s , leading fiscal responsibility, open government and holding taxes down while keeping service strong.
Why are you seeking office?
I will lead open and transparent government which includes the flow of information to the public, public input and nothing to hide. Fiscal responsibility with an open budget process which includes free and open public dialogue, input early, cooperation and begin talks with our local governments for cooperation around the consolidation of equipment and services to lower every ones taxes.
I believe in realistic planning and not reacting to problems caused by not planning. Case in point is the reactionary mode the present board is in to respond to the DEC’s demands to fix or remove the Historic Dam.
What are the issues facing the Village of Monroe?
In the coming year rational budgeting is a delicate balance to secure our service quality while holding taxes down and that is Job 1.
I have stated I am against the 507 acre annexation and I will plan to minimize its effects which include the impacts on Sewer District No.1 by demanding a moratorium on future hookups.
Protecting and keeping our Crane Park ponds and historic dam as the beautiful focal point of our village and stop the flow of wrong and misleading information.
We need to repair the Historic Dam and preserve the ponds.
Thank you and vote Row B.
Teddy Wright
Personal information:
I am Teddy Wright and I am announcing my candidacy for a second term as Trustee for the Village of Monroe.
I have been married to my wonderful wife, Yolanda, for 26 years. We have two children Justin and Shiya-Nicole.
We have been residents of Monroe for over 13 years.
I am a retired sergeant of the New York City Police Department and I am currently employed as a School Counselor in Mahwah, New Jersey.
Why are you seeking office?
Perhaps because I need my head examined. That notwithstanding, I love my community and the people who live here.
Being a part of local government has been an insightful, educational and a rewarding experience.
We, this entire board, have effectively moved our village forward through an era of economic gloom.
What has been accomplishment by this village board, indeed recognizing the leadership of our Mayor Jim Purcell, is evidenced by facts. The board minutes and the physical changes in our village’s landscape support the facts which refute rumor, innuendo, propaganda and lunacy.
We function as a cohesive board treating everyone with respect.
We listen to the people we represent, we debate the issues before us and we each exercise our democratic right to vote on the issues set before us at every board meeting.
This is accomplished with the most important element: integrity and integrity abounds among us. It is our level of integrity which will be critical in the years going forward, helping us to work through the issue of annexation, as well as others.
What are the issues facing the Village of Monroe?
We, the residents of the Village of Monroe, must stand unified in protecting the interest of our investment in this community.
I am running to ensure that you and I continue to enjoy all of the benefits of living here in the village and to promote and support such quality of life for generations to come.
I would not consider changing the current dynamic of our village board, at this critical juncture. Like Paul Revere, I am vocalizing an alarm about the approach of an issue that jeopardizes everything that we have invested all of our resources in.
We, this board, will stand up, we will be heard and we will never give in; therefore, vote row “A” in the upcoming election March 18, 2014 for Mayor Jim Purcell, Trustee Wayne Chan and Trustee Teddy Wright.
Remember, your vote is critical this election because you will be sending a very powerful message to other political leaders that a large number of people are concerned about the community in the Village of Monroe.
Please do not take this impending issue lightly. It is imperative to get out and vote and encourage others to do so.