Highland Mills. Schmitt delivers pet supplies to the Woodbury Animal Shelter

Assemblyman Colin J. Schmitt delivered pet supplies to local shelters over the weekend following his second annual pet supply drive.
After collecting supplies during December and January from constituents at his district office in Washingtonville, the assemblyman delivered the goods to Pets Alive in Middletown and the Woodbury Animal Shelter in Highland Mills.
Last year, Schmitt held a pet photo with Santa and Pet Supply Drive event with his Animal Advisory Council. Due to COVID-19, the assemblyman reworked the event to be mindful of the pandemic.
“The Woodbury Animal Shelter would like to give a huge thank you to Assemblyman Colin Schmitt for choosing our shelter to be one of the recipients of dog and cat supplies collected by his office,” said Pam Gambuti, the manager at Woodbury Animal Shelter. “We are so grateful for these items and we thank everyone who donated.”
Schmitt said that helping shelters is “something near and dear to Nikki and I. Having adopted Quincy (a Catahoula) from a local rescue we know how important it is to help out especially during the winter months. As always, remember to adopt, don’t shop.”