Continuing his “Celebration” series from this past summer, Alex Prizgintas performed at the Earl Reservoir (the “Rez”) in Highland Mills this past Sunday.
“I’ve taken extra time during the past six months to reflect on both institutions and community members who help to make our region special,” Prizgintas said.
Currently a junior at Marist College, Prizgintas is a history major who also just happens to play a fairly mean cello. His souped-up rig includes a looping station, five guitar pedals, a mixer and two amps that help him to play anything from Bach to Jimi Hendrix.
“I enjoy mixing and experimenting with a wide range of styles from my repertoire,” he said. “You might see the cello and think ‘Oh, classical music,’ but then suddenly you are greeted with Guns & Roses’ ‘Sweet Child of Mine’ followed by Bach’s Prelude from Suite No. 3. Unique and unexpected by most standards.”
In addition to his artistry on the cello, Prizgintas is also busy as an author.
“This past year - while difficult by most standards - has also been productive,” Prizgintas said. “Since March I have been published in the highly respected Hudson River Valley Institute ’s Journal and had two feature articles published in ‘Antique Glass Bottle Collector’ magazine which is printed in Michigan and distributed nationally. Next month I will also have another article in the Orange County Historical Society Journal.”
For additional information about Prizgintas’ work as musician and historian, call 845-774-9856.