Our Father’s Kitchen Food Pantry is in full swing, operating out of the Sacred Heart School gym. Each Monday and Wednesday, the volunteers are working in the gym, sorting and making boxes of food for more than 550 people. The pantry is in need of size large gloves, Lysol spray, disinfecting wipes and paper towels. They can be dropped off at the School gym on Wednesdays from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. and Mondays from 8:30 until 11:30 a.m. (
Need help with food and other sundry items?
The following local organizations are ready to help. It’s important that you call first, as hours of operation and pickup opportunities may have changed.
Or, maybe you help, too? These local organizations would welcome your donations to help those families and individuals who are food-challenged and/or are in need of other supplies.
- Nancy Kriz
Our Father’s Kitchen
Basement of Sacred Heart Chapel
151 Stage Road, Monroe
Every Wednesday, serving from 5-6 p.m.
Our Mother’s Cupboard (baby products)
Basement of Sacred Heart Chapel
151 Stage Road, Monroe
Every Thursday
12-2 p.m.
Our Father’s Kitchen Food Pantry
Basement of Sacred Heart Chapel
151 Stage Road, Monroe
Every Wednesday 10-11:30 a.m.
Our Father’s Kitchen Mobile Food Pantry
Monroe and surrounding area to those ill, homebound or without transportation
Every Monday and Friday
Leave a message to schedule a delivery
Presbyterian Food Pantry
Office entrance of Presbyterian Church
142 Stage Road, Monroe
First and Third Saturday of the month
9-11 a.m.
Methodist Food Pantry
Rear basement entrance of Methodist Church
47 Maple Ave., Monroe
Second and fourth Saturday of the month
9-11 a.m.
Highland Mills United Methodist Food Pantry
654 Route 32
Highland Mills
10-11 a.m.