Hebrew students 'move up'

| 27 Jul 2016 | 11:53

— Chabad of Orange County’s Hebrew School celebrated student accomplishments at a festive "moving-up" awards ceremony.
Many of the school’s 90 students and their families attended at the Orange County Sports Club in Florida, where the ceremony, originally scheduled for Chester Commons Park, moved to escape heavy rains.
The program began with gymnastics and bounce fun and a barbecue buffet. The beach theme decor included an “Aleph Champ Beach Snack Bar" color-coded to the levels of Hebrew reading taught at the school. “Hashtag beach balls” — which featured #LearningNeverEnds #CHS #ProudToBeJewish and many more — hung from the ceiling. Hebrew Alphabet bubbles, Luau necklaces and shades added to the fun.
“Just as a fish needs water to live, a Jew needs to learn about the Torah for the Jewish people to survive in order to continue the Jewish traditions and pass them on to the next generation," said Chana Burston, principal of Chabad Hebrew School, in explaining the beach theme.
“My son Phineas, age 6, wakes up each Sunday looking forward to going to Hebrew School," said Kimberly Landgraff of Tuxedo, representing the parent body.
Michael Miller of Chester gave a presentation highlighting the “Top 5 things I like about Chabad Hebrew School,” including “great lessons about Jewish traditions and holidays, charity projects, baking challah-bread, making many new friends and learning Hebrew which makes me able to communicate with my family in Israel.”
Matthew Graves of Central Valley said Hebrew School is preparing him for his Bar Mitzvah and that his family is involved as well.
For Hebrew reading, Chabad Hebrew School uses the acclaimed Aleph Champion Reading Program, based on the martial arts motivational philosophy of color-coded levels and testing. The students learn through games, flashcards, workbooks and rewards.
A special honor was given to Chabad’s donors.
“Chabad’s policy is that no one will be turned down due to lack of funds, and our supporters make that happen," said Rabbi Pesach.
A gift was presented to Gladys and Mitch Wenzel of Monroe.
Students were presented with awards for their accomplishments and levels passed, and a gift.
Chabad’s Hebrew School offers a choice of classes Sunday mornings or Sunday mornings. Registration Hebrew School next fall is underway. For more information call 845-782-2770, email HS@ChabadOrange.com, or visit chabadorange.com.