Hats off to the Monroe-Woodbury Top 25

By Nancy Kriz
CENTRAL VALLEY — Graduation is a week away and final preparations are being made for Monroe-Woodbury High School’s ceremony, which is expected to draw thousands of family members and friends who will cheer the accomplishments of the Class of 2016.
Many adult readers tell The Photo News they annually share the Top 25’s scholastic, music/arts and athletic accomplishments in addition to their community service work with their children as a way to demonstrate the importance of doing the best they can in their personal school worlds and being involved in community service.
As the days count down to the time-honored evening of white and purple graduation gowns, speeches and the taking of millions of photos, here’s a look at the successes of the Monroe-Woodbury Top 25:
Valedictorian Madeline Salino
GPA: 100.1355Salino is co-president of the Spectrum Club, the copy editor of Pendragon and a captain of the Math Team. She is an active member of the girls varsity tennis team, the French Honor Society and the Chamber Orchestra.
She volunteers her time at the Hudson Highlands Nature Museum.
Salino is a National Merit Finalist and the Female Senior Scholar Athlete.
This fall, Salino may attend the College of William & Mary as a James Monroe Scholar. Her major is undecided.
Salutatorian Jordan Castro
GPA: 99.093Castro is a member of the school’s chapter of National Honor Society and the Spanish Honor Society. She is a National Hispanic Scholar, a member of LEAD and the Interact Club. Castro has been a member of the Drama Club for the past four years. She has been a member of the varsity tennis team for four years and in her junior and senior years she had served as their captain. Castro is a Section IX and OCIAA doubles champion and has represented Monroe-Woodbury at the New York State Tennis Tournament the last two years.
Castro has participated in the St. Patrick’s Vacation Bible School and is a member of the church choir. She has volunteered her time at North Main’s Drama Club and has performed in the “SEPTA Kids on the Block” program. She is a member of the Monroe-Woodbury Voice Ensemble and is its section leader. Castro is also a two-time NYSSMA All State Chorus member.
This fall, Castro will be attend Binghamton University’s Scholars Program where she plans to study developmental child and adolescent psychology and theatre.
3. Erin Bourke
GPA: 98.9941Bourke is an active member in the school’s music community. She plays the trumpet in the Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble and Pit Orchestra. She has performed in the All-County, Area All-State and All-State music ensembles.
Bourke is a member of the girls varsity basketball team and a member of the Athletic Club. She is the vice president of the French National Honor Society, a member of the school’s chapter of National Honor Society and the secretary of the LEAD mentoring program.
Bourke volunteers her time over the summer at St. Patrick’s Vacation Bible School. Over the past three years, Bourke has participated in the science research program where she studied the relationship between high school students’ GPAs and participation in sports and/or music.
In the fall Bourke will attend either Binghamton University or Stony Brook University where she will study health sciences. She plans to become a physician assistant.
4. Lisa LaBarbera
GPA: 98.965LaBarbera is a violinist in the Chamber and Pit orchestras. She is also a music mentor at Central Valley Elementary School and has accompanied the Voice Ensemble, Freshman Chorus and Central Valley Chorus as a pianist. Additionally, LaBarbera is a member of the Interact Club and president of the school’s chapter of National Honor Society. She conducted her own original research through the Science Research program and has volunteered at the Elant Nursing Home in Goshen.
This fall, LaBarbera will be attend Cornell University and intends to major in computer science.
5. Anu Shetty
GPA: 98.6639Shetty is a member of the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society, the Spanish Honor Society and LEAD. In addition to participating in Monroe-Woodbury’s Odyssey of the Mind team for eight years and making it to the world finals competition, Shetty is also a public relations officer for the STARS Club. Through the scientific research course, Shetty has conducted a study that tests the effects of dance, music and physical therapy on balance, fear of falling and quality of life in nursing home patients. She earned third place at the Junior Science and Humanities Symposium at Burnt Hills for this work.
Outside of school, Shetty volunteers at the Elant Nursing Home in Goshen and at a blind home for women in India. She also dances at the Step by Step Studio.
Shetty is currently still deciding her major and which college she will attend in the fall.
6. Lauren Sternberg
GPA: 98.6099Sternberg is an active member of the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society, STARS and the girls varsity golf team. Sternberg has also conducted an original experiment through the school’s Science Research Program. She enjoys 4-H and is a competitive horseback rider on an Interscholastic Equestrian Association team. Sternberg has earned a comprehensive diploma through her volunteerism at the Monroe Temple and Winslow Therapeutic Riding Center in Warwick.
This fall, Sternberg will attend the Edgar Fellows Honors College at SUNY Geneseo, where she plans to major in biology and pursue a career in the medical field.
7. Francesco DiLello
GPA: 98.5081Many know DiLello as “that guy with the fedora” as well as “Frankert.” He is the tenor section leader in the Voice Ensemble and tuba section leader in Wind Ensemble. For the past four years, he has performed in the high school’s musicals. He also runs the EXPAND Alumni Mentorship Program and is an active member of Interact, the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society and the Italian Honors Society. He has participated in the NYSSMA All-State Mixed Choir in 2015.
This fall, he will attend Ithaca College and major in vocal performance and music education.
8. Monica Mourad
GPA: 98.2682Mourad is the vice president of the Spectrum Club, captain of the Math Team and a senator of the Class of 2016. She is a member of the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society, the French Honor Society, Student Council and LEAD. She volunteers her time for the Town of Monroe Town Clerk’s Office, where she works alongside the town’s administration.
Mourad is planning on attending SUNY Buffalo at the start of this fall semester, where she will be entering as a member of the Honors College. She is currently undecided, but is hoping to pursue a career in the fine arts.
9. Ravi Dholakia
GPA: 98.2423Dholakia is a member of the boys varsity track team and the varsity cross country team, where he is a senior captain. He is the OCIAA Scholar Athlete for Monroe-Woodbury and he has received 12 varsity letters throughout his four years of running.
Dholakia is a member of the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society, the French National Honor Society as well as several musical groups. He plays the viola in Chamber Orchestra and the violin in the Pit Orchestra.
Dholakia has conducted research with the help of his mentor from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. His research on electro-magneto-hydro-dynamics won the U.S. Air Force Engineering Award at the GCRSE Fair at RPI.
Dholakia will be either New York University or Boston University, where he plans to study quantum physics.
10. Paige Drews
GPA: 98.0642Drews is a member of the National Honor Society and the National French Honor Society. She is a volunteer at the Monroe Free Library and a member of the Monroe-Woodbury High School Drama Club.
Drews would like to major in English with a concentration in creative writing. She is considering attending Kunklemann University.
11. Kaleigh Doherty
GPA: 98.0153Doherty has been involved in the Future Business Leaders of America, the Columbia University Science Program and she has completed research at NYU Langone School of Environmental Medicine on the effects of MS-275 and Belinostat on the proliferation of human breast cancer cells.
This fall, Doherty will be attending either Hunter College or the University of Pittsburgh, where she will be studying biochemistry on the pre-med track.
12. Travis Wong
GPA: 97.8219Wong has been a member of the Wind Ensemble, Pep Band and Pit Orchestra. In addition, he has been a member of Interact and Model UN.
Wong would like to major in chemical engineering, and he is deciding between Binghamton University and Rochester Institute of Technology for this fall.
13. Kelly Teel
GPA: 97.7717Teel is a member of LEAD, the Interact Club, the school’s chapter of National Honor Society and the Italian Honor Society. She ran varsity indoor track for four years and has played varsity tennis since her sophomore year, serving as the captain in her senior year. Teel is currently a captain and a four-year player on the girls varsity lacrosse team. She is a member of the Senior Company and the dance captain at Terpsichore the Dancerschool in Monroe. Teel volunteers her time at Winslow Therapeutic Horse Riding Center and Sapphire Elementary School, where she is a dance demonstrator for younger students.
This fall, Teel plans to attend SUNY Geneseo where she will major in early childhood education with a concentration in special education, while minoring in math. She hopes to become a kindergarten teacher.
14. Gillian Berry
GPA: 97.3746Berry is a member of the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society, the Spanish Honor Society, LEAD, Interact and SADD. She has been in the spring musicals each year, serving as a dance co-captain this past year. Berry has also competed in several international ballet competitions, where she has received numerous awards. Along with Berry’s training at Giselle Ballet Academy, she has had the opportunity to study with the San Francisco Ballet School as well as the Julliard School.
This fall, Berry will attend the American Ballet Theatre’s Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School in order to further her dance training in the hope of earning an eventual ballet company assignment.
15. Jessica Rallo
GPA: 97.3239Rallo has been a member of the varsity golf team for four years and she has played for the junior varsity soccer team during her freshman and sophomore year. Rallo is currently the secretary and treasurer of the Spanish Honor Society and is a member of the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society, STARS and LEAD. She has participated in Odyssey of the Mind for eight years and she has competed in the World Finals three times.
Rallo volunteers her time with the Monroe Volunteer Ambulance Corps and Orange Regional Medical Center, contributing more than 200 hours to each group. Through the scientific research course, Rallo has conducted research investigating the effect of body mass index and head-neck circumference ratio on a high school athlete’s risk for concussion.
This fall, Rallo will attend Rutgers University Honors College where she plans to study exercise science and sports studies on a pre-med track.
16. Natalie Kyvik
GPA: 97.1996Kyvik been an active member of the drama club for four years and is a drama club officer. She has been a soprano in the Voice Ensemble for the past the years and performed in several NYSSMA solo, Area All-State and All County music festivals. She is a member of the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society and the Spanish Honor Society.
Kyvik serves at Grace Community Church as a singer on the worship team.
This fall, Kyvik will be attending Houghton College where she will major in biology with a concentration in animal science, and a minor in music. She will also be studying abroad in London her first year during the spring semester as a member of the college’s honors program.
17. Catherine Incledon
GPA: 97.1988Incledon is the public relations officer for STARS as well as a member of the school’s chapter of National Honor Society, the Spanish National Honor Society and LEAD. Her extracurricular activities include volunteering her time at St. Patrick’s Vacation Bible School and tutoring at North Main’s ESL summer school. Incledon also attended the National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists Congress in Washington DC.
This fall, Incledon will attend either Binghamton University or Boston University and is undecided as to her major.
18. Noah Francois
GPA: 97.1135Francois is a member of the varsity tennis and track teams and is a member of Interact Club , LEAD and the Math Team. She is the president of the French Honor Society and an active member of the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society. Francois has been involved with the music program starting with concert band in the elementary school to wind ensemble in the high school. She plays the piano and clarinet and has participated in NYSSMA, Pit Orchestra, All-Count, and Area All-State.
Francois’ school choices are Boston University, Dickinson College, University of Rochester and Colgate University. Noah plans to study French, Spanish and Japanese while following a pre-law track, planning to go to law school.
19. Sai Papineni
GPA: 96.9534Papineni is a member of STARS, LEAD, Model UN and the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society. He is the president of the Spanish Honor Society. Papineni volunteers his time at Good Samaritan Hospital and Monroe Free Library.
In addition to running track for the boys track team for three years, Papineni is a black belt in taekwondo. He played PTA Basketball for eight seasons.
Papineni will attend Binghamton University this fall and major in biomedical engineering.
20. Yasmine Bouachri
GPA: 96.9307Bouachri is the vice president of the Interact Club, a member of the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society, the French Honor Society and LEAD. She spends most of her time on the weekends working as a sales associate at the Woodbury Common Premium Outlets in Central Valley.
Bouachri has compiled more than 400 hours of community service, by volunteering as a teaching assistant at Central Valley Elementary School as well as a tutor at the middle school.
This fall, Bouachri will attend Georgetown University and major in history, following a pre-law track.
21. Sarah Nick
GPA: 96.923Nick plays the trombone in the Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Pit Orchestra and Pep Band. She is a member of the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society.
This fall, Nick will attend RIT and will study mechanical engineering.
22. Amanda McDonald
GPA: 96.8107McDonald is a member of the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society, LEAD and STARS. Over the past four years she has accumulated more than 200 hours of community service at Pine Tree Elementary and the Youth Athletic Camp located in Smith Clove Park.
During her freshman year she was on the junior varsity volleyball and softball teams and was a member of indoor track. McDonald is also captain of the varsity softball team.
On weekends, she works at Birchwood Caterers in Monroe.
During her junior year, McDonald was nominated as one of 300 girls in New York State to attend Empire Girls State.
This fall, McDonald will attend Binghamton University, majoring in human development. She hopes to work with children.
23. Madeline Leonard
GPA: 96.802Leonard is a member of the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society in addition to the Athletic Club and as a LEAD mentor. She studied Mandarin Chinese for the last six years and is taking five AP classes this year. Leonard was the captain of the varsity volleyball team this past season and played at the varsity level for the past two years. She also played on the varsity softball team for the past two years in addition to travel softball.
Leonard volunteers at the Hudson Valley Food Bank and the Woodbury Animal Shelter and taught at St. Patrick’s Vacation Bible school for the past four years.
She has volunteered at many events, such as the Beautiful People, Special Olympics and the district’s Kindergarten Festival.
This fall, Leonard plans to attend Stevens Institute of Technology to major in engineering. She was also recruited to play softball for the Stevens Ducks.
24. Daniel Wilken
GPA: 96.6257Wilken has participated in many volunteering opportunities, such as sorting food at the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley, supervising at Buddyball Sports and as a teaching assistant at the Monroe Temple. He is a member of the Spanish Honor Society and Model UN.
This fall, Wilken will attend the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Miami with an undecided major.
25. Morgan Gray
GPA: 96.4915Gray is secretary of the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society and has participated in LEAD and STARS. She volunteers as a teachers aide at Central Valley Elementary as well as a peer tutor at the high school and middle school. She is a varsity golf team member and a two year spirit award winner.
Gray is also a member of the Senior Company and is a dance captain at Terpsichore the Dancerschool in Monroe in addition to being a dance demonstrator for younger classes.
Gray has been involved in her youth group at the Presbyterian Church for the past five years. She volunteers at The Cottage Thrift Shop and has worked at Mr. Cone in Monroe for the past three years.
This fall, Gray plans to attend the West Virginia University Honors College where she will study engineering.