Harriman. Volunteers needed to plant native trees and shrubs along the Ramapo on May 14
| 03 May 2021 | 11:31

The DEC's Trees for Tribs Program supports efforts to reforest New York's tributaries or small creeks and streams, which flow into and feed larger rivers and lakes. The goal of the program is to support communities in planting young trees and shrubs along stream corridors, also known as riparian areas, to prevent erosion, increase flood water retention, improve wildlife and stream habitat, as well as protect water quality ( NY DEC).
Are you available to volunteer for a couple of hours?
The Village of Harriman is teaming up with the New York State Department of Conservation’s “Trees for Tribs” program and SUNY Rockland Biology Department students to plant native trees and shrubs along the Ramapo River tributary in the Mary Harriman Park in the Village of Harriman.
If you are interested in volunteering for this event or would like more details, email the Village Clerk at VillageClerk@VillageofHarriman.org.
The planting is scheduled for Friday, May 14, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Rain date is Saturday, May 15.
All supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring your favorite gardening gloves.