Goshen. Neuhaus encourages residents to take advantage of Orange County’s farmers markets this summer

Orange County Executive Steven M. Neuhaus reminds residents that many of the county’s outdoor summer farmers markets are now open weekly for the growing season and most will remain open through October.
There are more than a dozen farmers markets spread throughout Orange County this summer, from Monroe and Warwick to Goshen and Newburgh and almost every municipality.
“Buying local products from any of our great community markets is a wonderful way to support our local agricultural industry,” Neuhaus said. “Everyone benefits when you purchase food produced by a local farm picked at the peak of freshness. Shopping at farmers markets is a great way to support the local economy and to add produce to your diet.”
Orange County’s farmers markets offer local fruits and vegetables, along with prepared foods, wine, honey, flowers, and everything from meats to quiches. Each market has its own individual character with unique offerings and vendors who take pride in their homegrown products.
Cornell Cooperative Extension estimates for every $1 a farmer receives, $2.29 is generated in the local community. This means that every dollar you spend at a farmers’ market or farm stand, that farmer spends $2.29 at local suppliers, repair shops, hardware stores, and other goods and services in the community. Not only does shopping at a farmers’ market help you eat the freshest food, but it also helps the community in general by providing local jobs through all the services farms to operate successfully.
“I encourage residents to support our local economy and the County’s farm industry by patronizing a farmers market or visiting a farm near you,” Neuhaus said. “Either is a great way to make healthier food choices and both help to ensure a sustainable community.”
For a full listing of Orange County farms and farmers markets, visit orangetourism.org/agritourism or call 845-615-3860. Residents can like @ocnyfarms on Facebook.