Girls from five scout troops earn the 'My Promise, My Faith' pin

| 15 Apr 2013 | 04:56

MONROE — Girls from five Monroe Girl Scout troops received the Girl Scout “My Promise, My Faith” pin at Sacred Heart Church on Sunday, April 14, during the children’s Mass.

The pin recognizes how Girl Scouting and faith offer similar ideas about how to act and how Girl Scouting can tie into one’s faith. It can be earned annually on any Girl Scout level.

The girls learned how Mother Teresa of Calcutta used the line in the Girl Scout Law “considerate and caring” in her life. With the assistance of the Rev. Tom Byrnes, Sacred Heart’s pastor, the girls reviewed three quotes by Mother Teresa and participated in a skit, which portrayed how Mother Teresa was “considerate and caring” to all.

The scouts explored the similarities from the part of the Girl Scout Law and how to make a commitment to live this way following the example of Mother Teresa. Recipients are:

Daisy Troop 607
Elaina Andre
Kayla Diaz

Reagan Lowe
Madison Magazino
Kylie Mahoney

Olivia Retcho
Sarah Schiller
Claire Varcadipane

Daisy Troop 735
Sophia Andre
Elena Barone

Abigail Davis
Sarah Lagrasta
Biana Mangonon

Lauren McNamarra
Elizabeth Ogden

Isabel O’Hare
Isabela Renelt
Sophia Ruiz

Girl Scout Troop 301 Brownies:
Anya Kelly

Danielle McCathy
Elizabeth Doty

Anna Fajardo
Samantha Finlay
Gillian Gralton

Emma Horton
Amy Kyle
Lauren Lopez

Marissa Napolitano
Olivia Peano
Giavanna Pesci

Molly Schiller
Aryanna Wong-Sing

Gabby Sullivan
Melina Summo
Kayla Torres

Sarah Vella
Junior Troop 322
Abigayle Campbell

Jenna Cupo
Naya Flores
Haiely Genzale

Ashley Magen
Isabella Toledo
Jenna Scerbo

Samantha Sullivan
Katy Szynkowski

Junior Troop 388
Brigid Coghlan

Meghan Jezik
Fiona Leitner
Gabrielle Schnaars