Girl Scouts earn Silver Awards
MONROE — Two Monroe Girl Scout Cadette troops were awarded their Silver Award, the second highest award available to a Girl Scout, at recent ceremonies honoring 589 girls in the seven-county Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson region at Monroe-Woodbury High School.
Troop 502
Cadette Troop 502 received its Silver Award for developing and implementing an educational program focusing on the importance of good heart health, especially for women.
Troop members presented information on heart health, which also included information on diet, exercise and how to deal with heart attacks. Participants also prepared healthy heart snacks and made donations to the American Heart Association through the purchase of red hair extensions.
The girls educated the Girl Scout community on different age levels about the importance of taking care of one’s heart, and offered their presentation to any community groups who were interested in learning about healthy heart tips.
Troop 142
Cadette Troop 142 ran a community event called “Create-a-Card.” There were nine stations, each organized and run by a scout who was responsible for the design, planning, and teaching of a card design. Each station had its own theme - such as birthday or thank you - as well as a specific skill such as cutting, stamping or embossing.
The girls emphasized the importance of sending cards to express a specific sentiment to someone special, including to troops in Iraq. They coordinated each of their designs to maximize the skills taught to the younger scouts.
The Silver Award is the second highest award in Girl Scouting and is the highest award that Cadette Girl Scouts can earn. The Girl Scout Silver Award represents a girl’s accomplishments in Girl Scouting and her community as she grows and works to improve her life and the lives of others.
- Nancy Kriz