Four candidates vie for two Woodbury Trustee seats

Woodbury. Incumbents Victor Ferrarelli and Susan Fries-Ciriello are running against challengers Tyler Etzel Jr. and John Kelemen.

| 15 Oct 2024 | 04:00

This year Woodbury village residents will see four candidates vying for two seats on the Woodbury Board of Trustees: John Kelemen (Democrat, One Woodbury), incumbent Susan Fries-Ciriello (Republican, Conservative, Woodbury First), Tyler Etzel Jr. (Democrat, One Woodbury), and incumbent Victor Ferrarelli (Republican, Conservative, Woodbury First). Each candidate was asked to answer the following questions regarding Woodbury.

John Kelemen

Why did you decide to run for this position?

I grew up on Summit Avenue, the oldest of five boys. I was 16 when I learned how much a community means. My father had died suddenly and everyone in Woodbury — neighbors, the schools, the community — were there for my family. It is why I stayed in Woodbury, learned a trade, and started and ran my repair business in Central Valley for 45 years and why I want to give back.

What three key issues facing Woodbury today do you hope to tackle?

As a former small business owner in Woodbury, I believe the village can do more to support our local businesses and attract new ones. Woodbury needs a vision for how to revitalize and make attractive our business district.

I have observed that village taxes have risen at a much greater rate than the town or school district. Both the town and school district have been able to stay at or be close to the 2% tax cap. The Village of Woodbury has not. All tax increases are a burden to the community.

Water availability and sewer capacity remain significant challenges.

How would you transform Woodbury government?

The Village and Town cannot be adversaries. The system established to share agency and service oversight should be supported by a positive, productive relationship. Our emergency services (fire, police) and our highway, parks, library and animal shelter departments fulfill their respective responsibilities with amazing care and professionalism for our community.

What else would you like Woodbury residents to know about you?

Tyler Etzel and I are running together because we feel that the community we both grew up in and deeply care for needs leadership based on open communication and the capacity to enhance the Village’s quality of life with vision and hard work.

Susan Fries-Ciriello

Why did you decide to run for this position?

I have served as a Village of Woodbury Trustee since July of 2022. I am passionate about being involved in shaping the future of our community. I am running for re-election so I can continue to preserve and protect Woodbury, not only for our current residents, but for our future generations.

What three key issues facing Woodbury today do you hope to tackle?

1) Water: Ensuring access to clean, reliable water is crucial. I have and will continue to support the water moratorium, infrastructure upgrades and collaborate with our water department to bring new sources online.

2) Sewage capacity: This is vital for public health and environmental protection. Until Orange County completes the Harriman treatment plant expansion, I will support a sewer moratorium for Woodbury.

3) Open space: Maintaining green spaces is essential for community health, recreation, and biodiversity. It can involve zoning laws, land acquisition, and community engagement. I will continue to support land preservation and green initiatives to ensure that we protect our community’s natural beauty, wildlife.

How would you transform Woodbury government?

Over the last three months, village board meeting attendance has increased significantly. My goal is to keep the community engagement growing by hosting periodic bi-partisan round table discussions. I believe that through ongoing and transparent dialogue about community concerns, everyone can have a voice in the future of Woodbury.

What else would you like Woodbury residents to know about you?

I worked as an accountant/manager for 15+ years, utilizing that background for the last 10+ years as a PTA member, and president of Monroe-Woodbury Music Boosters and MWHS Drama Boosters. I rely on facts to make decisions and pride myself in my ability to stay open minded and treat residents with respect.

Tyler Etzel Jr.

Why did you decide to run for this position?

The Village’s annual financial report states that over the last three years the tax levy has increased 41%. Village revenues have gone up 48%. They didn’t need such large tax increases.

A municipality should operate within its budget. The village board is unable to do this. The incumbents voted to make budget modifications of $272,556, ignoring their budget.

The village board lacks transparency. The trustees get only one day to review agendas. There’s no time to do their due diligence. The incumbent trustees have not spoken up against this practice.

The current village trustees also approved contracts they haven’t seen.

What three key issues facing Woodbury today do you hope to tackle?

The budget, the poor use of the Village’s cash, and an anti-business sentiment.

Bonding the fire truck instead of paying cash would have kept the taxes down and spread the cost over the life of the truck. At the time interest rates were less than 2%.

As of the end of August the Village had over $14,000,000 in cash and received a little over $21,000 in interest. If invested properly in NYCLASS, this would have brought in about $70,000 in a month!

Local businesses are facing hardships. The village board should do all they can to help them be successful.

How would you transform Woodbury government?

John and I would push for reforms in transparency and listen to all the board members. I would also push to have taxpayer money more wisely invested as we did in the town. I would also reverse the fire inspection fee that went up over 500% last year.

What else would you like Woodbury residents to know about you?

I have the experience needed for the position. I served 17 years on the Monroe Planning Board, four years on the Woodbury Town Board, owned operated my family farm in town, and lived here all my life. Thank you for your consideration.

Victor Ferrarelli

Why did you decide to run for this position?

I am running for Village Trustee because I am passionately committed to fostering strong community engagement and addressing the diverse needs of Woodbury residents. My involvement with local businesses, residents, and community organizations has shown me that collaboration is the key to driving meaningful progress and positive change. As Trustee, I will prioritize transparency, accountability, and open communication to ensure that the voices of all residents are heard and respected. I am dedicated to making thoughtful, informed choices that benefit the entire village and contribute to maintaining Woodbury as a vibrant, inclusive, and thriving community.

What three key issues facing Woodbury today do you hope to tackle?

The key issues I aim to address as Village Trustee include preserving Woodbury’s distinctive character, managing growth sustainably, and planning for future infrastructure needs. I will continue to support building and water moratoriums to prevent overdevelopment and ensure responsible growth that aligns with the village’s long-term vision. Additionally, I am committed to advocating for land preservation, safeguarding open spaces, and protecting our natural environment. By maintaining Woodbury’s unique charm, we can ensure that future generations enjoy the same quality of life that residents value today, while fostering a community that remains vibrant, resilient, and environmentally conscious for years to come.

How would you transform Woodbury government?

I will prioritize actively listening to residents’ concerns, ensuring their voices are heard. Transparent communication and community involvement are essential to fostering trust and addressing key issues effectively.

What else would you like Woodbury residents to know about you?

I’ve served as Brigadoon HOA president for 16 years, on the Village Zoning Board, and am actively involved with multiple civic organizations, including the Knights of Columbus and Woodbury Lions Club. My community engagement has deepened my understanding of residents’ needs and strengthened my commitment to serving Woodbury.