Flags for Our Heroes returns
Monroe. Honor your personal hero by sponsoring a flag.

The town of Monroe will once again be conducting its Flags for Our Heroes Program at Monroe Town Hall. Flags for Our Heroes was created as a program to celebrate the heroes in our lives, both living and dead. Flags can be flown for a variety of heroes, including those who are serving or have served as members of the military, police officers, firefighters, first responders, parents, teachers, coaches, and/or mentors, to name a few.
In honor of Veterans Day, fees collected for sponsored flags this November will be donated to the Orange County Nam Knights in support of the Wreaths Across America program. The cost to sponsor a flag is $25. The flags are 3 foot by 5 foot.
According to the town, the sponsored flags will be displayed on the Field of Honor located on the front lawn of Monroe Town Hall (1465 Orange Turnpike) through Monday, November 25. Completed sponsorship forms should be returned to the town clerk’s office at Town Hall no later than Tuesday, November 12. Payment will be accepted in the form of cash or a check made payable to Nam Knights.
The town also requested that people honor only one hero per form to ensure heroes and sponsors are correctly identified. To sponsor a flag, fill out the online form available at the following site: bit.ly/40tesGK.