County Executive Neuhaus urges residents to prepare for winter
Goshen. Precautionary actions can be taken now to ensure safety during the cold months

Orange County Executive Steven M. Neuhaus and Commissioner of Emergency Services Brendan Casey encourage residents to begin preparing for winter, which officially begins on December 21st.
“Severe winter weather conditions often arrive early in Orange County,” Neuhaus said. “If you haven’t already, I urge families to take steps now to prepare for the winter months ahead. You should also check on your elderly neighbors, friends and relatives to make sure that they are safe and have the supplies and medications they need during the winter.”
Casey said that the first steps residents can take is to review their family emergency plan, determine what supplies they should have stored to be prepared for any emergency and be aware of local weather conditions.
“The leading cause of death and injuries during winter storms is transportation accidents,” Casey said. “Residents should think safety first during a storm. Before going out on the road on wintry days, residents should listen to the local media reports for the latest road conditions. You should remain aware of weather advisories and follow all instructions in the event of an emergency.”
Sources of reliable weather information
· NY-ALERT, New York State’s all-hazards alert and notification system, is one of the best ways residents can receive emergency information. To subscribe for this free service, please visit If you do not have internet access, you may still sign up for NY-ALERT by calling 1-888-697-6972.
· 511 New York ( provides up to the minute traffic and transit information for commuters and travelers, offering information 24 hours a day, seven days a week about transportation services and road conditions throughout New York State.
Neuhaus also urged residents to use caution and read all directions when using alternate heating sources such as kerosene heaters, wood and pellet stoves and fireplaces, and make sure that they are in good working condition. Proper ventilation is critical and generators should only be operated outdoors.
· In the event of a power or heat outage, up to date shelter information can be found by calling the United Way’s 2-1-1 service.
· For more information about storm-preparation efforts in Orange County as well as current weather advisories, visit the Division of Emergency Management’s website at, or its Facebook page,