Chabad’s summer camp creates ‘Mitzvah Music Videos’ for children in hospitals

| 30 Jul 2012 | 12:37

MONROE — Campers at Chabad’s Camp Gan Israel in Monroe participated in an innovative project, creating a “Music Mitzvah Video.” “The word Mitzvah means commandment, and often refers to doing good deeds” Rabbi Pesach Burston, who co-directs Camp Gan Israel with his wife, Chana, said in his press release describing the effort. Each bunk learned and practiced a different Jewish song which was videotaped. Campers also introduced themselves and offered well wishes. The video will be sent to pediatric hospitals across America and Israel as a gift to young patients. “The theme this summer at Camp Gan Israel is ‘Rock and Roll with CGI’ – a fun-filled focus on music,” said Chana Burston. “We wanted the campers to feel they are working toward creating something unique that can benefit multiple causes and we wanted to connect this project to our camp theme, with had sessions named ‘Jazz with Jewish Giants’ and ‘Holiday Hop Hop’ among others.” Chana Burston added that technology today allows a project of this nature to be distributed widely. “We hope to take advantage of this and distribute many copies,” she said. The campers spent time rehearsing their parts. One bunk decided to decorate matching hats to wear for their song, and another group colored get-well cards which will be sent with the first video distributed. “The Mitzvah Music Video was a wonderful way to emphasize this year’s camp theme of ‘Rock and Roll with CGI’,” said Malkie Kirshner, of Brooklyn, head counselor and program coordinator of Camp Gan Israel. “Each bunk in camp is named after a different musical instrument along with a positive Jewish theme. Campers connected to what they were doing - and felt proud to be using their talents to create something special for kids in hospitals.” Camp Gan Israel, directed by Rabbi Pesach and Chana Burston of Chabad of Orange County, recently completed its seventh summer and is located at Pine Tree Elementary School in Monroe. More than 60 children from throughout the county participated. For more information about Camp Gan Israel Summer or Winter Camp, call Chabad at 782-2770, write, or log onto

Photos provided by Chabad of Orange County