CHESTER — Chabad Hebrew School has opened registration for the coming school year.
Directed by Rabbi Pesach and Chana Burston, Chabad Hebrew School has earned a 10-year reputation of being an innovative program in which students excel in their Hebrew reading, Jewish knowledge and pride for their heritage.
Presently nearly 100 children, from all over Orange County, attend Chabad Hebrew School.
Chabad’s Hebrew School, located at the Chabad Center in Chester, offers a choice of classes Sunday mornings or Monday afternoons. A specialized introductory Hebrew program is designed for students ages 5-6, and Hebrew school caters through age 13.
For Hebrew reading, Chabad Hebrew School uses the Aleph Champion Reading Program, which is based on the martial arts motivational philosophy of color-coded levels and testing.
“Chabad Hebrew School emphasizes exploring the Jewish heritage is a creative and fun way, putting the FUN in FUNdemanetals, with special focus on not only accumulating knowledge, but applying those lessons to our everyday life,” said Principal Chana Burston in the press release announcing registriction. She adds that through “art, drama, songs, contests and interactive activities, Judaism become real and alive to the students.”
End-of-Year awards
Meanwhile, more than 200 people recently celebrated the Hebrew School End-of-Year Awards Ceremony as students and their families, staff and volunteers gathered at the Pavilion in Chester Commons Park.
Hailey Leonard, 9, of Washingtonville, a first-year student at Chabad Hebrew School, said she “expected Hebrew School to be boring – but instead it was so exciting and full of fun learning.”
Parent Jason Leeds, of Monroe, whose two sons attend Hebrew School, expressed his appreciation to the Burstons and Hebrew School staff for creating an environment where his children are excited to learn, and come home and share their knowledge.
Parent Lorri Robertson, of Cornwall-on-Hudson, whose daughter Dylan recently celebrated her Bat Mitzvah, spoke about how she feels Chabad is like an “extended family” and that her experience with Chabad has been full of warmth and acceptance.
Volunteers and sponsors
Also testament of the positive experience in Hebrew School is the teens that have already graduated but have returned to help volunteer in Hebrew School. At the event, Chabad expressed their gratitude to Robert Murphy of New Windsor, Annabelle Pulver and Sabina Pashkin of Highland Mills, Amanda Heller and Megan Heller of Chester, Megan Ingber of Goshen, Sophie Jaegar and Meredith Golden of Monroe.
Chabad also expressed their appreciation to the staff and volunteers who have helped on a continuous basis, including Bracha Pincus of Chester, Gil & Phyllis Goetz of Monroe, Sid Hershkowitz, Yasmine Kalkstein and Marina Deskin of Monroe.
Special recognition was also given to Chabad’s donors as well as the Gregg Wenzel Scholarship Fund. “Chabad’s policy is that no one will be turned down due to lack of funds” said Rabbi Pesach, “and our supporters make that happen!” An award of thanks was presented to Mitch and Gladys Wenzel, of Monroe, in appreciation for establishing the scholarship fund in memory of their son, Gregg who died while serving in the Central Intelligence Agency.
For more information, and to request registration forms contact Chabad at 845-782-2770; write or visit Pictures of this year’s Hebrew School students and activities can be viewed at