Andrew Giacomazza
WOODBURY. Andrew Giacomazza, the Woodbury village mayor, is running for re-election on the Woodbury First line.

Why are you running for mayor?
When I first took my oath of office, I knew this would be an uphill battle. I am fond of asking, “Is the juice worth the squeeze?” For me, the residents and this community are. This is the biggest reason I’m running for re-election. We have made great progress during my first term. Yes, we have completed several projects and passed more than 30 local laws, but the work has only begun.
What are the top three issues facing the village today, and how do you plan to address them?
The most pressing issues are the sustainability of our water and sewer infrastructure, balancing the need for our community growth, and a desire to preserve open spaces. All three areas I have addressed in my first term. I have commissioned our first municipal well in 25 years, worked hard to protect our open spaces, and directed department heads and consultants to formulate plans to tackle changes handed down by government regulatory agencies.
What sets you apart from your challengers?
Experience! I have served almost five years on the Village of Woodbury board. In my time as Mayor, we can be viewed as one of the most active municipalities in Orange County. There is no rest for the weary, and if re-elected i will continue to work diligently for my residents.
Feel free to add information about your background and qualifications.
I am a father of four kids, four dogs, and three cats -- all raised here. I am a business owner in the city. I have served on the Zoning Board of Appeals, been president of the Hudson Valley Chapter of the Knights of Columbus, and am a member of several local community organizations.