State Board of Elections warns voters of BOE impersonators
ORANGE COUNTY. Elections officials are asking voters to report any imposters that come to their door.

The New York State Board of Elections is asking voters to be aware of individuals going door-to-door impersonating local Board of Elections staff. The imposters are allegedly confronting voters about their registration status, and “erroneously accusing voters of committing a crime because of how they appear in the state voter database,” the Board of Elections stated.
“We are extremely alarmed by these actions. These individuals are impersonating government officials in an effort to intimidate voters based on inaccurate and misleading information,” said Raymond J. Riley III, co-executive director of the State Board of Elections. “We strongly encourage those engaging in these activities to cease immediately.”
A State Board of Elections representative noted that accounts of these imposters knocking on doors have been reported in Orange County.
“We want to assure all New Yorkers that any employee of the State or County Board of Elections would conduct themselves in a professional manner and willingly present identification when engaging with voters,” said Kristen Zebrowski Stavisky, co-executive director of the State Board of Elections. “When in doubt, please know you can always contact your state or county Board of Elections directly with any questions.”
The State Board of Elections gave the following tips in case one of the imposters comes to your door: immediately request identification. If they refuse or appear “under suspicious circumstances,” collect as much information as possible. Don’t give the individual any personal information, and contact local law enforcement to report the incident.
Criminal impersonation in the second degree is a class A misdemeanor in New York State. The State Board of Elections noted that it has been communicating with local election boards and law enforcement to monitor this situation.
If you have any questions, contact Kathleen McGrath or Jennifer Wilson at the State Board of Elections at 518-474-1953 or by email at
“When in doubt, please know you can always contact your state or county Board of Elections directly with any questions.” — Kristen Zebrowski Stavisky, co-executive director of the State Board of Elections.