Parish Visitors from around the world meet in Monroe
Monroe. Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate, who blend contemplative prayer practice with missionary visits to parish residents, held an organizational meeting in Monroe that brought Sisters from abroad. Among their activities was holding elections.

Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate recently gathered with Sister delegates from all their missions, including Nigeria and the Philippines, to hold their General Chapter meeting at Marycrest Convent in Monroe. One of the tasks of this General Assembly is to elect the congregation’s administration for the next five years.
Mother Maria Catherine Iannotti was elected to a second five-year term as the General Superior. Council members elected were Sister Mary Josita Worlock, 1st Councilor and Assistant General Superior; Sister Carole Marie Troskowski, 2nd Councilor; Sister Ann Marie Archer, 3rd Councilor; and Sister Dolores Marie Poll, 4th Councilor were also re-elected.
The Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate, a religious congregation of contemplative-missionaries, were founded over a century ago in New York City, on August 15, 1920, by Servant of God Mother Mary Teresa Tallon, whose cause for canonization was introduced in 2012.. Marycrest Convent in Monroe, NY has been the Motherhouse and Novitiate of the congregation since 1923. From there the Sisters are sent out to convents in the Bronx, NY, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nigeria, and the Philippines . Locally, they serve in Sacred Heart Parish, in Monroe.