Geese culling conversation rescheduled for Aug. 17 meeting
Tuxedo Park. Discussion of whether to cull geese in Tuxedo Park is now planned for the regular meeting on Aug. 17 rather than a special meeting on Aug. 3.
| 01 Aug 2022 | 04:29

Tuxedo Park Board of Trustees discussed “culling nuisance Canada geese,” at their July 20 meeting. Without voting, they tabled the debate on culling and agreed to hire a professional goose removal company for $500.00 to provide a plan overview, which they expect to receive soon. A special meeting had been scheduled for 7:00 p.m., August 3, to continue the discussion, but the agenda topic has been moved to the regular meeting on August 17. Documents for the goose culling debate are on the Tuxedo Park website.