Watercolor artists: Janet Walsh to teach four day workshop
Walsh is noted watercolor artist and author Florida - The North East Watercolor Society is offering a four day watercolor workshop taught by Janet Welsh from Oct. 19 to 22 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Florida. Walsh’s book, “Watercolor Made Easy,” was published by Watson Guptill in 1994, as well as five instructional watercolor videos. Walsh, is president emeritus of the American Watercolor Society, is a fellow in the Royal Society for the encouragement of the Arts, London England, holds memberships in the National Arts Club, Allied Artists of America, Kentucky Watercolor Society, Audubon Artists, Art Students League, Artists Fellowships and is listed in “Who’s Who in American Art.” Her works have also been reproduced in “Painting with the White of Your Paper,” “The Best of Watercolor,” “Flowers in Watercolor,” “Fresh Flowers, Watercolor for the Serious Beginner,” and “Watercolor Magic.” She was a featured artist in Watercolor Magazine’s summer 2006 and 2008 issues. Walsh was one of the top 20 selected watercolor American instructors. She is currently writing quarterly articles for the magazine, Watercolor. Walsh has received many awards and honors, some of which are: AWS Bronze Medal of Honor, Edgar Whitney Award, T.H. Sanders Award, Metropolitan Museum Art Award, Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Award, Winsor-Newton Award, Katherine and Marshall Howe Award, Art Students League Concurs Award, Adirondack Nation Show Award and First Bank of Westland Award. Her works are in the collections of the National Watercolor Museum, Mexico City, Progresso & Pfizer Corporations, Avon Products, Leroy Springs & Company, St. Antonin, Noble Val, France, Doan-Smith Advertising Co., Kazuyoshi Hara, Tokyo, Chikako Kawada, Ibaragi, Japan. Walsh will also be a juror of awards for the group’s 34th International Exhibition 2009 in Kent, Conn. Visit www.janetwalsh.com to read more about her workshops, her book and videos. Tuition is $350 for NEWS members and $375 for non-members. For more information call 607- 637-3412 or email info@northeastws.com.