Warwick. Holiday plant care: Saturday, Dec. 4, at 11 a.m.

Albert Wisner Public Library wants to help you prepare for a festive holiday season.
Many people love to give, receive and display potted plants over the holidays. Holiday plants are grown in greenhouses and subjected to drastic changes when moved to people’s homes.
Proper care can extend your enjoyment of the plants. Learn tips and tricks to keep our holiday plants looking their best.
Presenter Jim Scharfenberger has been a Cornell Cooperative Extension of Orange County Master Gardener Volunteer since 2013. He is the curator of the Devitt Center Educational Greenhouse at SUNY Orange County Community College and holds a certificate in Commercial Horticulture from the New York Botanical Garden.
Please register for this program online at www.albertwisnerlibrary.org or call the Help Desk at 845-986-1047, ext. 3.