The Hudson Valley Society for Music will host its annual Hudson Valley BachFest with an orchestral concert of the great master’s music on Saturday, Aug. 7, at 5:30 p.m. The outdoor concert will take place on the Old Main Quad of the SUNY New Paltz campus.
The concert will feature a variety of chamber and orchestral works by Bach, including the Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B minor for flute and orchestra (Marcia Gates, flute) and the Double Concerto for Oboe and Violin in C minor (Carole Cowan, violin, and Joel Evans, oboe).
“We are extremely grateful,” Board member and conductor Dr. Edward Lundergan said, “that many of the restrictions in New York have been lifted and we can return to a semblance of normality that seemed impossible after the last year and a half.”
The concert is co-sponsored by the Hudson Valley Society for Music and the School of Fine and Performing Arts, SUNY New Paltz, and underwritten by CompuDat Systems, Inc.
As current COVID-19 protocols dictate, attendees who have not been vaccinated are encouraged to wear masks, and all attendees are asked to continue social distancing and sit at least three feet apart if audience members are not part of your group. Visit hudsonvalleysocietyformusic.org for updates on COVID-19 protocols.
The concert is free and open to the public, and attendees are welcome to bring a picnic supper and beverages, blankets and chairs. The rain date is Sunday, Aug. 8, at 5:30 p.m.
For more information, call Carol Lundergan at 845-430-1430 or email soprano@hvc.rr.com.