Harry is honored guest at Monroe Chamber’s ‘Mastodon Mega-Mixer' on Aug. 14

People who are “just wild about Harry” can have a chance to meet Museum Village’s mastodon on Wednesday, Aug. 14 during the Greater Monroe Chamber of Commerce’s “Mastodon Mega-Mixer” from 6 to 8 p.m.
There will be networking opportunities with many organizations and Museum Village supporters, including “meet and greets” with Harry, the mastodon.
Harry is one of three complete mastodon specimens in the world. Mastodons are extinct elephant-like mammals who roamed the earth until about 10,000 years ago.
Participating chambers are invited to bring one gift basket with samples from the member businesses and/or discount/promo cards for use as door prizes.
Chambers may also bring additional promotional materials for a special display table.
Donation is $25 or $30 at the door and features catering by Village Hands Cafe.
To learn more, call 782-8248.
- Nancy Kriz