Goshen. The Shakespeare Sessions to be presented by Cornerstone Theatre Arts

Although the pandemic has kept the doors of the Goshen Music Hall closed these past several months, the performers and artistic directors have been hard at work planning and filming a “live” performance of a play titled The Shakespeare Sessions.
The production is divided into two parts, each comprised of nine scenes, speeches and sonnets.
Filmed at Salesian Park in Goshen and the Otterkill Golf Club in Campbell Hall, the performance features many of the talented veteran Cornerstone Theatre players.
This original piece was conceived and narrated by Cornerstone Theatre Arts founder Ken Tschan.
There are two ways to view the production:
· Visit http://www.cornerstonetheatrearts.org/shakespeare-sessions.html, then click on Shakespeare’s face.
· And on Dec. 17 and 18 only, see it on Cornerstone’s private YouTube channel any time during that 48-hour period for $20.
For those who would like to own a copy of the entire production or give the gift of theatre to a loved one, the production can be uploaded onto a zip drive for a donation of $20.
To purchase a live viewing or jump drive (or both!) please email evelyncornerstone@gmail.com or call Evelyn at (917) 478-8352.
Payment is being accepted through Vemno, PayPal, or by cash or check to:
Cornerstone Theatre Arts
223 Main Street
Goshen, NY 10924