Goshen student to compete for Merit scholarship
GOSHEN-Kevin Suehnholz, a senior at Goshen Central High School, was recently named a finalist in the 2005 National Merit Scholarship Program after scoring in the top one percent in the nation on the PSAT exams. High school students enter the National Merit Program by taking the PSAT exams during their junior year. Based on their scores, approximately 15,000 finalists were chosen from the 1.3 million entrants n roughly the top one percent in the nation. Kevin will continue in the competition to win one of approximately 8,200 Merit Scholarship awards, worth more than $33 million. Winners will be announced in the spring. Kevin is captain of the soccer, basketball, and baseball teams at Goshen High School. He is also a member of the Student Senate and National Honor Society, and is treasurer of the National Foreign Language Honor Society. After graduation, Kevin plans to pursue a math degree from either Cornell University or Amherst College. He is the son of Keith and Cathy Suehnholz of Goshen.