Frederick Franck sculpture to be dedicated Sunday
Warwick - “In all our deliberations we must be mindful of the impact of our decisions on the seven generations to follow ours.” This is the dedication on the sculpture “Seven Generations” by the sculptor and founder of Pacem in Terris, Dr. Frederick Franck. The sculpture, a replica of the original in Warwick’s Pacem in Terris, is newly installed in the Hallowed Ground Village Park at the corner of Galloway Road and Forester Avenue, and will be dedicated on Sunday, May 13 at 3 p.m. The public is invited to attend. Historian and NYU Prof. Richard Hull will officiate at the dedication. Hull is a member of the Warwick Conservancy, some of whose members donated the cost of the materials for the sculpture. Bruce Bernardo, the fabricator, donated his labor. The Village of Warwick contributed the installation materials and labor, and Garrett Talbot constructed the stand for the plaque pro bono. The eight foot by thirty-two foot steel sculpture was designed by Franck in 1990-91 as a tribute to humanity and the consciousness that must be sustained to ensure the well being of successive generations. Replicas of this seminal Franck offering may be found in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City; Penn State University; Omega Institute in Rhinebeck; Wainwright House in Rye; Bucknell University; Fundación Elpis in Buenos Aires; Harrisburg (Pa.) Peace Garden; as well as in Holland, Germany, Belgium, Montana and New Jersey. Frank died at his retreat in Warwick, Pacem in Terris, on June 5, 2006. The Warwick Conservancy is a non-profit independent local citizens’ organization founded to promote knowledge of Warwick’s unique natural resources, to preserve them and to sustain Warwick’s rural character. The Conservancy raised funds for the purchase price of the Hallowed Ground property and donated the land to the village in 2003.