Battle of Minisink to be replayed
GOSHEN and MONTGOMERY - In the summer of 1779, British Rangers and their American Indian allies moved south along the frontier, raiding as they went. To stop them, local militia units from Sussex County, Ulster County, and Orange County rendezvoused in Goshen, then set off to find the raiders who were led by the famous Mohawk chief, Joseph Brant. The militia intercepted the Indians and Rangers about 25 miles north of Port Jervis on July 22, when, in the ensuing battle, 46 militia men were killed and the Patriots defeated in a fierce all-day fight known as the Battle of Minisink. On Saturday, May 15, the Battle of Minisink will be re-enacted at the Orange County Farmers' Museum on Rt. 17K in Montgomery. The public will be able to see authentic re-enactors who portray American militia, British Rangers, and Indians, who represent the forces present for the battle. Also present will be re-enactors portraying civilians, some of whom were taken captive during the raids. The museum site will be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Parking is free and there is no admission charge. Refreshments will be available for sale. To promote the re-enactment and set the tone for the event, the re-enactors will hold a rally in Goshen on Friday, May 14, at about 6:30 p.m. Such a rally was held in Goshen 225 years ago to motivate the militia to chase down the marauding Tories and their Indian allies. From 20 to 30 re-enactors will march from the county government center to the park near the Battle of Minisink Monument, where they will hold a short exercise with speeches, a drill, and firing demonstration. The 124th New York State Volunteers, a Civil War unit, welcomes its fellow re-enactors to commemorate the battle and remember the sacrifice made by local militia men and their families in the war for independence. The anniversary commemoration is funded by the Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area. For more information, call Chuck LaRocca at 457-5564.