Two TPS friends find bounty for food pantries in saving bags
Tuxedo Park. You can help them reach the student’s goal of 1,000 reusable grocery bags for the Sloatsburg Food Pantry by dropping clean reusable grocery bags off at one of these drop off locations.

Two Tuxedo Park School sixth graders, Solomon and Maddie, found a way to help food pantries save money by salvaging bags for them, according to a TPS press release.
he pair have been good friends since they met in 2018 at TPS, where the motto is “Creating Kind, Fair, and Responsible Citizens.”
When FreshDirect recently expanded their delivery service to Tuxedo, Solomon and Maddie noticed the reusable grocery bags piling up at home. Meanwhile, Sloatsburg Food Pantry announced its move into a new facility. When the friends discovered that the pantry was spending money to buy boxes and bags, the two of them began the Tuxedo Bag Project. They believe that the pantry should use its funds to focus on bringing food to the community, and the reusable grocery bags would save them from an unnecessary expense.
They wrote up a detailed project plan, designed flyers and logos, and met with town and village officials about collection boxes and marketing. They have already collected 150 bags in just a week and a half.
You can help them reach their goal of 1,000 reusable grocery bags for the Sloatsburg Food Pantry by dropping clean reusable grocery bags off at one of these drop off locations: Sloatsburg Village Hall, Tuxedo Town Hall, Tuxedo Train Station, Tuxedo Park Library, Tuxedo Park Village Hall, or Tuxedo Park School.
Two Tuxedo Park School sixth graders, Solomon and Maddie, found a way to help food pantries save money, according to a TPS press release. They have been good friends since they met in 2018 at TPS, where one motto is, “Creating Kind, Fair, and Responsible Citizens.”
When FreshDirect recently expanded their delivery service to Tuxedo, Solomon and Maddie noticed the reusable grocery bags piling up at home. Meanwhile, Sloatsburg Food Pantry recently announced its move into a new facility. When the two friends discovered that the pantry was spending money to purchase boxes and bags, the two of them began the Tuxedo Bag Project. They believe that the pantry should use its funds to focus on bringing food to the community, and the reusable grocery bags would save them from that expense.
They wrote up a detailed project plan, designed flyers and logos, and met with Town and Village officials about collection boxes and marketing. They have already collected 150 bags in just a week and a half.
You can help them reach their goal of 1,000 reusable grocery bags for the Sloatsburg Food Pantry by dropping clean reusable grocery bags off at one of these drop off locations: Sloatsburg Village Hall, Tuxedo Town Hall, Tuxedo Train Station, Tuxedo Park Library, Tuxedo Park Village Hall or Tuxedo Park School.