Tuxedo Park. Local student named National Geographic GeoBee Nee York State competition semifinalist

The National Geographic Society named Lucas Capella, an eighth grader at Tuxedo Park School, as one of the semifinalists eligible to compete in the 2020 National Geographic GeoBee State Competition.
This is the second level of the National Geographic GeoBee competition, which is now in its 32nd year. To determine each school champion, GeoBee competitions were held in schools throughout the state with students in the fourth through eighth grades. This year, an estimated 2.4 million students competed in the GeoBee, with 8,661 students becoming school champions.
School champions also took an online qualifying test, which they submitted to the National Geographic Society. Up to 100 of the top-scoring students in each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Department of Defense Dependents Schools and U.S. territories were invited to compete in the State GeoBees.
The 2020 National Championship was to take place May 18-21, 2020, at National Geographic headquarters, but after careful consideration, the society made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 National Geographic GeoBee and GeoChallenge competitions due the the coronavirus outbreak.
Students in grades four through eight from nearly 10,000 schools participate annually for a chance to win college scholarships and the glory of being the National Geographic GeoBee Champion