Pallottine Sisters celebrate the installation of newly elected Provincial Council
| 15 Feb 2012 | 09:22
Monroe On Saturday, Sept. 17, the newly elected Provincial Council of the Sisters of the Catholic Apostolate was installed at Queen of Apostles Chapel in Monroe. The Very Rev. Peter Sticco, SAC, the Provincial of the Pallottine Fathers and Brothers of the Immaculate Conception Province ,presided at the installation as a representative of the church. The Provincial Council consists of Sr. Olivia Reginella, Provincial; Sr. Ann Joachim Firneno, First Counselor; Sr. Carmel Therese Favazzo; Sr. Rita Mastrogiacomo; and Sr. Hyacinth Serravillo. The Provincial Council is the governing body of the Pallottine Sisters here in the United States. Members of the broader Pallottine family attended the ceremony to share in the celebration.