Receive 10 free trees by joining the Arbor Day Foundation in August

New Jersey. Spruce up your landscape by joining the Arbor Day Foundation in August. Everyone who joins the Arbor Day Foundation with a $10 donation will receive 10 free Norway spruce trees or 10 white flowering dogwood trees through the foundation’s Trees for America campaign.The trees will be shipped postpaid between Oct. 15 and Dec. 10, depending on the right time for planting in each member’s area. The 6- to 12-inch trees are guaranteed to grow or they will be replaced free of charge. “Norway spruce trees truly provide year-round beauty for any landscape,” said Matt Harris, chief executive of the Arbor Day Foundation. “White flowering dogwood trees will add color and beauty to your yard throughout the year, with their showy spring flowers, scarlet autumn foliage, and red berries that attract songbirds in the winter.” New members of the Arbor Day Foundation will also receive The Tree Book, which includes information about tree planting and care, and a subscription to Arbor Day, the Foundation’s bimonthly publication.To receive the free Norway spruce trees, join online at or send a $10 membership contribution by Aug. 31 to: Ten Free Norway Spruces ORTen Free White DogwoodArbor Day Foundation211 N 12th StLincoln, NE 68508.